The British Columbia Regiment Band is an unauditioned band, and everyone is welcome to join. Feel free to drop by a rehearsal to have a listen, or sit in with your instrument.
Band rehearsals take place every Monday evening, from 7:30 – 9:30 PM (doors open at 7:15pm) at the historic Beatty Street Drill Hall, 620 Beatty Street, Vancouver. Stadium-Chinatown SkyTrain station’s upper entrance is across Dunsmuir Street from the Drill Hall.
Why join?
We are a fun, friendly group of musicians from all walks of life, ages and skill levels who love playing our instruments! As part of the band, you get to participate in many exciting gigs: in the past, we’ve played for the BC Lions, recorded with Bryan Adams, and have been showcased at the PNE! We also get to travel, we regularly have gigs across the province and have even performed in Europe!
Whether you’ve been playing your whole life or haven’t picked up your horn since high school, you’ll fit right in!

What to expect
As a civilian volunteer in a voluntary band assisting the Canadian Forces, you should expect:
- As we are volunteers, members don’t get paid for gigs
- But unlike many community bands, there are no membership fees and no required fundraising—all you have to is show up and play your instrument!
- We provide you with a uniform – members are expected to wear it in a military-acceptable fashion, including styling your hair so that it does not cover your face (either with an appropriate haircut, or by tying it up)
- We march in parades, floor shows, and military ceremonies: we expect our members to learn the appropriate drill and marching technique (don’t worry, it’s not hard at all, and many of our members never marched before joining us!)
- If medical reasons prevent you from marching, you can choose to do only sit-down concerts
- Our band practices to be casual and good-natured, though hard-working.
Most band members provide their own instruments, but we do have a limited selection of instruments to lend out, especially for low woodwind, low brass, and percussionists. Don’t let the lack of your own instrument stop you from joining, we will find you something to play!
The Music
- Instrumentation is similar to that of a concert and marching band: brass, woodwind and percussion
- The band plays a wide variety of music, including marches, orchestral transcriptions, wind ensemble literature, classic rock, and top 40 hits
- Our music is at a “medium easy” to “medium” level of difficulty (Grade 2 to 3.5). We make accommodations for all levels of experience: less experienced musicians can play 2nd or 3rd parts, while more experienced musicians have opportunities for solos
Contact our Music Director, Brian Smith, at 604-789–1865 if you have any questions. Or, fill out the form below and we will get back to you with more info!